Ramón Sender Barayón

SCORE: A Clap for Pauline

“RAMON SENDER BARAYÓN is a central figure in the history of the greater Bay Area counter-culture: electronic music pioneer, co-producer of the Trips Festival in San Francisco, consigliere and chief remembrancer of Morning Star and Wheeler Ranch communes. Born in Spain in 1934, he is a living link between the radical communal tradition of the Old and the New World through his father, the Spanish Republican novelist Ramon J. Sender, and his first wife’s great grandfather John Humphrey Noyes, founder of the nineteenth century religious Oneida Community, by way of the authoritarian communism of the Bruderhof. In exile from fascist Spain with his father and sister—as citizens of the planet, without attachments…radical cosmopolitans,” Ramon fetched up in New York.”

—Iain Baal, West of Eden: Communes and Utopia in Northern California (2011)

Ramon appends: My wonderful wife Judith and I continue for 35+ years in the left ventricle of the heart of San Francisco, here we each devote ourselves to the written word and forays into the various arts.

And also San Francisco Conservatory’s oral history: https://my.sfcm.edu/web/sfcm/ramono-sender